Anlatıcı olarak dengbêj ve dengbêj anlatılarındaki kahramanın makûs talihi

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Belki de Âdem ve Havva kadar eskidir dengbêjlik gelenegi. Tarihi surecler itibariyle kahramanin kaderi anlati sunum ve bicim olarak farkliliklar gosterse de anlatilan yine insan ve insani ilgilendirendi. Dengbêjîn kahramanlari oyle mitolojik yari insan yari tanri kahramanlar degil Ýnsandi. Mucadele eden oydu ve bu mucadele hic dinmeden binyillardir surmekteydi. Bu kahramanlar genellikle ask ugruna daha iyi kosullar altinda yasamak ugruna ve yoksulluga karsi mucadele vermekteydi. Asirlardir suren bu mucadele hic neticelenmemekle beraber ayni seyir ve dinamizmde devam etti. Belki de sorun o cografyanin kadim tarihinde ve trajedisindeydi. Kurtlerin yasadigi cografyanin ve o hep yenilen dengbêj kahramanlarinin trajedisine baktigimizda bunun altinda yatanin yonetilmeye karsi duyduklari tahammulsuzluk ve buna bagli olarak da var olma savasi verme zorunlulugunu goruruz. Ýste dengbêj bu savaslarda o hep kaybeden surgun edilen tutsak edilen ve olen ‘kahraman’in yarattigi degerleri anlatilariyla gorunur kilmaktaydi. Geriye sayisiz soylence birakan hikâye anlaticisi dengbêjler ister istemez bize tarihi de sorgulatir. Sesi ve sozcukleri ele gecirip gecmisin karanligini isikla yaran bu bilgelerin var olusunu anlatilarini icralarini ve dertlerini anlamaya ve aciklamaya calistim.
The existence of the Kurdish folk tales "dengbej" probably dates back to the period of Adam and Eve, when humanity just began. Even though changes of the exact narration, presentation and shape of "dengbej" have changed throughout history, the stories have always been about, and related to, mankind. The heroes of "dengbej" have neither been myth-humans nor semi-gods. Those who were fighting have always been humans. And their fighting has been continuing for over thousand years. The heroes usually fight for love and against poverty in order to sustain better living conditions. Even though this fight never results in the heroes' reaching their aims, "dengbej" tales have been continuing in the same context and with the same level of dynamics for centuries. The appeal of this narrative might be related back to the region and the tragedy inherent in its ancient history. Looking at the Kurdish region and the tragedy of "dengbej" tales, whose heroes keep losing their fights, we can observe a reflection of the Kurds' intolerance towards being governed by others and their fight for exercising their willpower. Therein, the narration of "dengbej", including the values of the hero who is destined to lose, be exiled, captured and then dies in the war, can be valuable in showing us the position of the Kurds in history. The narrators of "dengbej", who leave us countless legends behind, encourage us to question history. In this paper, I attempt to understand and explain the existence, narrations, works and problems of the "dengbej" authors, who illuminate the darkness of the past by raising their voices to the world.



Dengbej, Dengbejlik, Hikâye anlatıcısı, Söylence, Walter Benjamin, Kahraman, Destan, Seyirci, İcra, Storyteller, Myth, Protagonist, Epic, Audience, Performance

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