Uluslararası İletişim ve Kamu Diplomasisi: BBC Dünya Servisi Haber Merkezi Örneği
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Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi
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Yirminci yüzyıldan başlayarak, devletlerin uluslararası alanda kamuoyu
oluşturmanın önemine verdikleri değere paralel olarak ulus-ötesi yayıncılığa verdikleri
önemin de arttığı gözlemlenmektedir. Bu bağlamda, genellikle uluslararası ilişkilerin alt
alanı olarak görülen kamu diplomasisi, İkinci Dünya Savaşı’yla beraber bir iletişim stratejisi
olarak önem kazanmıştır. Bu makale, uluslararası yayıncılık ve habercilik alanındaki ilk
faaliyetlerin görüldüğü BBC Dünya Servisi’ni incelemekte, uluslararası iletişimin siyasi,
teknolojik ve ekonomik etmenlerden dolayı değişen çalışma prensipleriyle kamu diplomasisi
arasındaki ilişkiyi burada çalışan gazetecilerin deneyim ve görüşleriyle ele almaktadır.
Bu makalede sunulan veriler BBC Dünya Servisi’nde 2011 ve 2012 yıllarında yapılan
yerinde gözlem ve derinlemesine mülakatlara dayanmaktadır. Mülakatlar sonucu elde
edilen bulgular, BBC Dünya Servisi’nde çalışan gazetecilerin kurumun haber kültürünün,
BBC’den beklenen kamu diplomasisi fonksiyonuyla çelişmediğine inandıklarını, çünkü
gerçek kamu diplomasisi hizmetinin “iyi gazetecilik” yapmak olduğunu düşündüklerine
işaret etmektedir.
Since the governments discovered the power of international communication for cultivating international public opinion in the 20th century, the importance given to international broadcasting and news also increased in a parallel fashion. In this context, public diplomacy gained currency as a new communication strategy in the decade that followed the Second World War. Some of the first examples of international broadcasting is seen in the radio broadcasts of the BBC World Service which this research takes as a case study. It considers the factors that impact on international broadcasting such as pressures from technological advances, politics and examines how they relate to public diplomacy efforts. The data are collected via participant observation and in-depth interviews in 2011-2012, at the BBC World Service Central Newsroom. The findings indicate that the journalists working for the BBC World Service, do not think that the organization’s news culture conflicts with the expectations of a public diplomacy function as the believe doing good journalism is a public diplomacy effort.
Since the governments discovered the power of international communication for cultivating international public opinion in the 20th century, the importance given to international broadcasting and news also increased in a parallel fashion. In this context, public diplomacy gained currency as a new communication strategy in the decade that followed the Second World War. Some of the first examples of international broadcasting is seen in the radio broadcasts of the BBC World Service which this research takes as a case study. It considers the factors that impact on international broadcasting such as pressures from technological advances, politics and examines how they relate to public diplomacy efforts. The data are collected via participant observation and in-depth interviews in 2011-2012, at the BBC World Service Central Newsroom. The findings indicate that the journalists working for the BBC World Service, do not think that the organization’s news culture conflicts with the expectations of a public diplomacy function as the believe doing good journalism is a public diplomacy effort.
BBC, Dünya Servisi, Uluslararası Haberler, Gazetecilik, Kamu Diplomasisi, Ulus-ötesi, World Service, International News, Public Diplomacy, Journalism, Transnational
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