Manav, Banu

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Manav, B.
Banu, Manav
Banu Manav
Manav, Banu
B. Manav
Manav B.
M., Banu
Manav, BANU
Baybars Hawks, Banu
manav, banu
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Prof. Dr.
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Scholarly Output




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Supervised Theses


Scholarly Output Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 29
  • Conference Object
    Citation Count: 0
    Public Opinion in Turkey: Social and Political Implications of Recent Trends
    (Int Business Information Management Assoc-Ibima, 2018) Baybars Hawks, Banu
    This study reveals what the public thinks about current issues in Turkey, and whether the recent trends have any reflections on social, political, and cultural structure of the country. The data collected with this research provide important insights into public's opinion regarding current and potential issues in Turkey, and also guide policymakers in shaping the public policies. The outputs of this study may also encourage scholars and researchers from different fields and backgrounds to study and discuss public opinion with its complex dynamics and milieu of dimensions. This research delivers some of the most evocative and current issues in Turkey; the most important current problems, the economy, terror, the Kurdish issue, government and opposition parties' evaluations, political vacuum, institutional evaluations, political polarization/judicial system, democracy and social relations/change in Turkey. According to the survey, the Turkish public views "terrorism" as the most important problem facing the country. The most critical economic issues are determined as unemployment, depreciation of the Turkish lira. In addition to these, foreign policy approval rate and support for EU membership increased. While the media was again the least trusted institution, trust in institutions generally increased.
  • Article
    Framing the Russian aircraft crisis: News discourse in Turkey’s polarized media environment
    (Forsnet, 2018) Özçetin, Burak; Baybars Hawks, Banu
    This article analyzes the way in which the downing of a Russian aircraft by a Turkish F-16 jet on 24 November 2015 was framed by pro-government (Türkiye, Yeni Akit, Yeni Şafak) and anti-government (Cumhuriyet) newspapers. Framing means selecting some aspects of a perceived reality and making them more salient in a communicating text. News frames give us definitions and identify those responsible for an event; make moral judgements; and propose solutions to problems. The analysis of the news frames utilized by four newspapers underlines the fact that in a polarized media environment news frames are highly politicized and the distinction between news frames and official discourse is frequently blurred.
  • Master Thesis
    Tüketici Algısında Kurumsal İtibar ile Marka Değeri Arasındaki İlişki
    (Kadir Has Üniversitesi, 2015) Tekay, Umut Can; Baybars Hawks, Banu
    Çalışmamın amacı kurumsal itibar ve marka değeri arasındaki ilişkinin tespit edilmesidir. Araştırmamda uygulama örneği olarak TNT International Express Taşımacılık Tic. Ltd. Şti. seçilmiş ve veri toplama aracı olarak anket uygulanmıştır. Kullanılan anket fonnu üç bölümden oluşmaktadır. Birinci bölümde demografik bilgilere ilişkin sorular, ikinci bölümde kurumsal itibara yönelik sorular ve son bölümde marka değerine yönelik sorular yer almaktadır. Araştırmanın evrenini TNT firması müşterileri oluşturmaktadır. Araştırmada basit tesadüfi örneklem yöntemiyle ulaşılan 366 kişiye anket uygulanmıştır. Araştırmada veri analizi SPSS 16 paket programında yapılmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda kurumsal itibar ve marka değeri algısı arasında anlamlı ve pozitif yönde bir ilişkiye rastlanmıştır.
  • Master Thesis
    Kurumsal İletişimde Yeni Bir Platform Olarak Sosyal Medya Kullanımı : Üniversitelere Yönelik Bir Kurumsal İletişim Uygulaması
    (Kadir Has Üniversitesi, 2015) Silen, Duygu; Baybars Hawks, Banu
    Sosyal medyanin son on yillik surecte gunluk hayatta en cok tercih edilen iletisim araclarindan birisi haline gelmesiyle birlikte onemi her gecen gun artmaktadir. Her ne kadar ag tabanli iletisim sistemleri iletisim teknolojilerindeki gelismenin bir yansimasi olarak kurumsal iletisim alaninda uzun yillardir kullanilmaya devam ediliyor olsa da sosyal aglar bazi ozellikleri ile cevrimici sitelerden farkliliklar barindirmaktadir. Bu calismada universitelerin kurumsal iletisim faaliyetlerinde sosyal medya kullaniminin rolu kullanicilarin algi ve davranislarinin sosyal medya kurumsal iletisiminin verimliligi uzerindeki etkisini performans beklentisi caba beklentisi sosyal etki ve hizlandirici kosullar olmak uzere dort faktor uzerinden degerlendirmekte kullanilan BTKK (UTAUT) modeli uygulanarak analiz edilmektedir. universite ogrencilerinin sosyal medya tabanli kurumsal iletisim davranis ve algilarini degerlendirmek uzere Kadir Has universitesi'nde egitim gormekte olan 188 ogrencinin katilimiyla bir anket calismasi gerceklestirilmistir. Bu calisma ayni zamanda universite tercihi doneminde universiteler tarafindan gerceklestirilen sosyal medya iletisiminin ogrenciler uzerindeki etkisini de arastirmaktadir. Arastirma sonucu gostermistir ki sosyal medya ogrencilerin universiteleri tarafindan yapilan kurumsal iletisim faaliyetlerini takip etmeleri ve bu aktivitelere katilimlarini saglama noktasinda olumlu sonuclar dogurmaktayken ote yandan universite oncesi donemde ogrencilerin okul secimi ile ilgili kararlari uzerinde pek etkili olmamaktadir.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 1
    Will peace flourish in the end? The history of suffering: Terrorism in Turkey
    (2013) Baybars Hawks, Banu
    For the past 30 years, the PKK has launched a campaign of terror in Turkey. Despite the rise and fall of attacks throughout the years, the PKK's terrorist activities have never completely ended. Through the recent initiative of the Turkish government, negotiations focusing on pacification have been launched with the leader of the PKK, Abdullah Öcalan, who is still in prison on Imrali Island. We have yet to see the outcome of this process. Terrorism is not simply about killing people; it is about destroying the population's sense of well-being and trust in the government. In addition to the casualties and physical pain caused directly by an attack, the normal reaction to an unfamiliar and life-threatening event - fear, stress, worry, grief and confusion -also inflict suffering and social pain. In a world where information and communication play a key part, terrorists try to achieve the maximum possible media impact by the violent acts they commit. So when we define terrorism, we have to keep in mind that a three-way relationship exists between the main protagonists: terrorists want something from the government and work to achieve it through the agency of public opinion by seeking to terrorize the public at large in the most spectacular way possible. Public opinion in turn is influenced by the media which sometimes produces exaggerated accounts of terrorist events. This paper will seek to examine how this three way relationship has developed during the negotiation process with the PKK in Turkey. It will investigate how the ruling government (AKP) initiated the process, how public opinion has been formed in such an environment and whether it has influenced the government's policies and decisions in regard to this issue. It will also explore how the media has reacted during this process. It is the author's hope that the findings will be useful for policy-makers, media scholars, and academicians, as well as lay readers interested in the topic.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 3
    A proposal on residential lighting design considering visual requirements, circadian factors and energy performance of lighting
    (Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2023) Kaymaz, Egemen; Manav, Banu
    This study assesses residential areas which have been converted into workplaces and are still used after the Covid-19 in terms of visual, non-visual, and energy performance requirements of lighting. We proposed a lighting design using LED systems with dimmable and tuneable features. Circadian factors in WELL Building Standard are analyzed for compatibility with the current visual requirements. The impact of various design parameters on lighting energy consumption, including daylight availability, lighting schedules, lighting control strategies, and light reflectance value of walls is evaluated through a case study in Turkey. Although the annual lighting energy consumption is higher than it was before the pandemic, building energy simulation results show that the application of LED systems with lighting energy measures can improve lighting energy performance by up to 38%. From the non-visual dimension of light, our data indicate that higher melanopic illuminance and/or colour temperature of light sources are necessary to entrain and sustain the circadian rhythm under overcast sky conditions in winter months. On the other hand, an increase in luminous intensity can lead to glare and higher energy consumption while a higher colour temperature may affect the physiology and psychology of occupants negatively.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 4
    Framing the Russian Aircraft Crisis: News Discourse in Turkey's Polarized Media Environment
    (Uluslararası İlişkiler Konseyi Derneği, 2018) Özçetin, Burak; Baybars Hawks, Banu
    This article analyzes the way in which the downing of a Russian aircraft by a Turkish F-16 jet on 24 November 2015 was framed by pro-government (Turkiye Yeni Akit Yeni Safak) and anti-government (Cumhuriyet) newspapers. Framing means selecting some aspects of a perceived reality and making them more salient in a communicating text. News frames give us definitions and identify those responsible for an event make moral judgements, and propose solutions to problems. The analysis of the news frames utilized by four newspapers underlines the fact that in a polarized media environment news frames are highly politicized and the distinction between news frames and official discourse is frequently blurred.
  • Master Thesis
    Tüketici Davranışlarında Algı Yönetiminin Rolü : Ünlü Algısının Kadın Tüketici Davranışlarına Etkisi Üzerine Bir Araştırma
    (Kadir Has Üniversitesi, 2016) Demir, Zeliha.; Baybars Hawks, Banu
    Kurumlar urun farklilasmasinin giderek zorlastigi rekabetin arttigi ortamda farkli yontem ve stratejileri uygulamaya baslamistir. Bulunduklari pazar ortaminda kendi urun ya da hizmetlerinin on plana cikmasi fark yaratip tercih edilmesi icin bir takim planli cabalar icine girmektedirler. Yonetilmesi gereken bu surecte varliklarini devam ettirmek isteyen orgutler kurumsal iletisim uygulamalardan algi yonetimine gereksinim duymaktadirlar hedef kitlede olumlu izlenim yaratmak kurumun hedef kitle tarafindan benimsenerek hedefine ulasmasini saglamak amaciyla basvurulan algilama yonetimini uygulamalari daha onceleri askeri bir terim olarak kullanilmaktaydi. 1980’li yillarda isletmelerin de ilgisini cekmeye baslayan algi yonetimi kurumlar tarafindan kullanilarak hedef kitlenin tutumlarini istenilen yonde harekete geciren iletisim disiplinine donusmustur. Bu calismada algi yonetiminin tuketici satin alma davranislari uzerinde nasil bir etki olusturdugu ve bu surecin unsurlari anlatilmaktadir. Dolayisiyla urunun nasil algilandigi kurumsal algi yonetiminin dogru yonetilmesiyle ilgilidir. Bu amacla anket arastirmasi yontemiyle kurumsal iletisim baglaminda algi yonetimi surecine yon verilmis ayni zamanda urunlerde kullanilan unlu algisinin kadin tuketicilerin satin alma davranislari uzerindeki etkisi arastirilmistir. calismada yuz yuze anket yontemi ile 100 kadina ulasilmistir. Arastirma sonucu gostermistir ki kurumsal iletisim faaliyetlerinin algi yonetimiyle birlikte tuketici davranislari uzerindeki etkisi artmis ote yandan tuketici kararlari uzerinde etkili olmustur.
  • Master Thesis
    Kurumlarda İs Etigi İlkelerinin Calisanlarin Gozunde Kurumun İtibarina Etkisi
    (Kadir Has Üniversitesi, 2015) Baskın, Hazal; Baybars Hawks, Banu
    Bu calismanin amaci is etigi ilkelerinin calisanlarin kurumsal itibar algisi uzerindeki etkisinin boyutunun belirlenmesi ve bu konuda kurumlara oneriler sunulmasidir. calismanin evrenini Yapi Merkezi Ýnsaat ve Sanayi A.s. ve SK Engineering & Construction Co. Ltd. sirketi olusturmaktadir. Ýs etigi ve kurumsal itibar iliskisini olcmek amaciyla bu kurumun calisanlari ile anket calismasi yapilmis ve verilen cevaplar degerlendirilerek bir olcum yapilmistir. calisma sonucunda is etigi ve guvenilirlik algisi arasinda pozitif yonlu bir iliski tespit edilmistir. calisanlarin kuruma olan guvenilirlikleri yukseldikce is etigi ilkelerinin isleyisine olan guvenleri de yukselmektedir. Demografik olarak ise gelir duzeyi yuksek olan calisanlar kurum hakkinda daha cok bilgiye sahiptirler. Dolayisiyla gelir durumu ve kurum hakkinda bilgi sahibi olma arasinda pozitif bir iliski mevcuttur.
  • Master Thesis
    Analyses on Visual Comfort Conditions of Passenger Service Officers' Resting Areas at Airport Buildings
    (Kadir Has Üniversitesi, 2022) GÖKTAŞ, SEVİLAY; manav, banu
    This thesis focuses on the “passenger service/ground service officer” personnel who make best operational effort in the airport sector. They spend most of the day working in shifts at the airport. During this period, the break room provided by the company to which they are affiliated can be defined as the area where daily activities, socialization and rest actions are performed. Within the scope of thesis, discusses the visual comfort parameters of the floor service officers’ break offices. The impact of this parameter on performance, employee productivity, on people’s health has been investigated. The main focus of the work was an airport in İstanbul. Three different ground service companies participated in the study. As a research method, a survey study was conducted with 25 randomly selected people from each company and a total of 75 participants. Survey results show that, there are differences that can be measured in terms of both performance and efficiency between the employees of the office that does not receive any daylight and the office employees that are homogeneously illuminated. Analyses and assessments of the results of the survey are likely to contribute to the future, both socially and economically. Improving the existing offices of employees and creating new offices are critical for the employees to be in appropriate conditions of visual comfort, while the company empowers its employees and affects their competitive position in the sector.