Fantasy Setting Narrative Space in the Queer Cinema of the Usa (1990s–2010s)

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Fantasy Setting Narrative Space in the Queer Cinema of the USA (1990s–2010s) investigates the origins and functioning of particular choices of setting fantasy elements and non-linear narrative structures in the queer cinema of the United States from the 1990s to 2010s. The study aims to identify a comprehensive counter-culture utopianism in queer cinema with selected examples from American and to a lesser degree world cinema. What is common in the selected films is the notion of escape and the creation and utilization of alternative spaces in which queer-identified characters can take refuge. in the context of the study escape and alternative spaces are associated with revolutionary practices in light of arguments that are derived from the work of Gilles Deleuze Félix Guattari José Muñoz and to some extent Marc Augé. The selection of films which also includes some queer classics such as The Living End The Watermelon Woman and Shortbus are assessed through a combination of formalist and contextualist approaches. The formal analyses of the films concentrate on various queer film settings ranging from the road and the stage to the prison and the concentration camp as well as several counter-narrative strategies such as parody pastiche and narrative intransitivity along with particular uses of miseen- scène camera movements sounds editing choices characterization and genre. Special attention is given to cultural and historical context and the representation of sexuality race gender and class is taken into consideration. The study reveals the special ways in which queer films give a critique of heteronormativity racism class inequality commodity culture and nuclear family as well as mainstream film production which denies or suppresses the queer existence.




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