Otel İşletmlerinde Kurumsal İletişimin Rolü Üzerine Üst Düzey Yöneticilerle Bir Algı Çalışması
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Üretim, çalışanlar, muhasebe, pazarlama ve sermaye bakımından diğer işletmelere göre farklılık gösteren otel işletmelerinin insan gücüne dayanan ve zamanla yarışan işletmeler olmasının yanı sıra sunulan hizmetler, personel arasında yakın iş birliği ve dayanışmayı gerektirir. Hizmet değer zincirinde, başından sonuna kadar iletişimin bir harç olarak var olduğu konaklama işletmelerinin dinamik yapısı ve risk faktörünün yüksek oluşu, sürdürülebilirlikleri için güçlü bir iletişim yönetimini gerektirir. Bu sebeple otel işletmelerinde kurumsal iletişimin rolü, uygulanma derecesi ve finansal performans üzerindeki etkileri araştırılmıştır. Çalışmada öncelikle otel işletmelerinde kurumsal iletişimin rolü ve uygulanma derecesi incelenmiş ve kurumsal iletişim yönetiminin ve kurumsal iletişim ile ilgili kavramların kurumların finansal performansları üzerindeki etkisi yöneticilerin algısı üzerinden anlaşılmaya çalışılmıştır. Araştırma sürecinde, nitel araştırma yöntemi uygulanmıştır. Derinlemesine mülakat ve gözlem tekniği ile elde edilen veriler, betimsel analiz yöntemi ile çözümlenmiştir. Daha çok veri elde edebilmek amacı ile mülakat soruları, açık uçlu sorulardan oluşmaktadır. Gerekli görülen durumlarda ise ikincil veriler otellerin web sayfalarından ve sosyal medya hesaplarından edinilmiştir. Kurumsal iletişim ile ilgili kavramların finansal performans üzerindeki etkisi incelendiğinde yöneticiler tarafından pozitif bağ kurulduğu anlaşılmıştır. Kimlik, kültür, imaj, itibar, iç iletişim çalışmalarının ve misafir ilişkilerinin birincil derecede; KSS, tedarikçiler ile ilişkiler, yerel toplumlar, yerel yönetimler ve devlet ile ilişkilerin ise uzun süreçte ikincil derecede finansal performans üzerinde etkili olacağı ifade edilmiştir. Bütüncül kurumsal iletişim çalışmalarının özellikle maliyetler, ürün ve hizmet standardizasyonu, misafir memnuniyeti, kurumsal imaj, çalışan motivasyonu ve verimliliği, marka değeri ve de ölçme ve değerlendirme çalışmaları üzerinde pozitif etkileri olabileceği sonucuna varılmıştır. Ancak, etkili kurumsal iletişim çalışmalarının, özellikle araştırmanın örneklemini oluşturan büyük ölçekli otel işletmelerinde, yatırım aşaması itibarı ile doğru yönetim kararları ve stratejileri ile var olabileceği, kurum kimliği ve kültürüne göre şekil aldığı anlaşılmıştır.
Varying from other businesses in terms of production, employees, accounting, marketing and capital, hotel establishments are based upon labor and they race against time, and besides the services offered require close collaboration and cooperation among the personnel. Communication is the glue from the top to the bottom in hospitality enterprises, where a strong communication management is necessary in the service value chain for their sustainability because of their dynamic structure and high risk factor. The role of corporate communication, its degree of implementation and effects on financial performance in the hotel establishments were studied due to this reason. First of all, we examined the role of corporate communication in the hotel establishments and its degree of implementation, and we tried to understand the effects of corporate communication management and concepts regarding corporate communication on financial performances of establishments by means of learning about the perception of the directors. Qualitative research method was applied during the research. Data, obtained by in-depth interviews and observation technique, were analysed with descriptive analysis method. Interview questions consisted of open-ended questions to acquire more data. Secondary data were acquired from webpages and social media accounts of the hotels, when required. It was observed that directors established a positive connection when effects of concepts related to corporate communication on financial performance were examined. It was stated that works on identity, culture, image, reputation, internal communication and guest relations will have primary effect, and corporate social responsibility, relations with suppliers and relations with local community, local government and government will have secondary effect in the long term on the financial performance. It was concluded that integrated communication studies may have positive effects on costs, product and service standardization, guest satisfaction, corporate image, employee motivation and efficiency and brand value in particular. However, it was observed that effective corporate communication studies may only exist with correct management decisions and strategies at the investment stage and take shape according to the corporate identity and culture especially in large-scale hotels which composed the sample of the research.
Varying from other businesses in terms of production, employees, accounting, marketing and capital, hotel establishments are based upon labor and they race against time, and besides the services offered require close collaboration and cooperation among the personnel. Communication is the glue from the top to the bottom in hospitality enterprises, where a strong communication management is necessary in the service value chain for their sustainability because of their dynamic structure and high risk factor. The role of corporate communication, its degree of implementation and effects on financial performance in the hotel establishments were studied due to this reason. First of all, we examined the role of corporate communication in the hotel establishments and its degree of implementation, and we tried to understand the effects of corporate communication management and concepts regarding corporate communication on financial performances of establishments by means of learning about the perception of the directors. Qualitative research method was applied during the research. Data, obtained by in-depth interviews and observation technique, were analysed with descriptive analysis method. Interview questions consisted of open-ended questions to acquire more data. Secondary data were acquired from webpages and social media accounts of the hotels, when required. It was observed that directors established a positive connection when effects of concepts related to corporate communication on financial performance were examined. It was stated that works on identity, culture, image, reputation, internal communication and guest relations will have primary effect, and corporate social responsibility, relations with suppliers and relations with local community, local government and government will have secondary effect in the long term on the financial performance. It was concluded that integrated communication studies may have positive effects on costs, product and service standardization, guest satisfaction, corporate image, employee motivation and efficiency and brand value in particular. However, it was observed that effective corporate communication studies may only exist with correct management decisions and strategies at the investment stage and take shape according to the corporate identity and culture especially in large-scale hotels which composed the sample of the research.
Kurumsal iletişim, Otel işletmeleri, Finansal performans, Stratejik iletişim, Corporate communication, Hotel establishments, Financial performance, Strategic communication