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Gunumuzde reklamlar urun ve hizmet tanitimi yapmanin yaninda kulturel ve ideolojik anlamlari yeniden uretmektedir. Reklamlarda egemen ideolojiler temsiller araciligiyla yeniden uretilmektedir. Toplumsal cinsiyet toplumun kadin ve erkege atfettigi sosyal ve kulturel normlari iceren davranis kaliplaridir. Toplumsal cinsiyet normlari kadinin sosyal hayattaki rolunu anlamaya yardim etmektedir. Reklamlarin toplumsal cinsiyet rollerinin sunumunda cok onemli bir yeri vardir. Reklamlar kadina toplumsal cinsiyet rolleri acisindan bakma egilimindedirler. Feminist kuram cinsiyeti kadin olan ve kadin olarak var edilen kisi hakkinda gelistirilen bir kuramdir ve kadin statusunun ancak mucadele edilerek toplumda hak ettigi konuma ulasacagini savunur. Feminist harekete verilen destegin artmasi ve feminist hareketin populerlesen soylemi markalari cinsiyet esitligi konusunda calismalar yapmaya yoneltmistir. Arastirmanin amaci feminist harekete destek vererek kendilerine yeni bir marka kimligi yaratmak isteyen markalarin reklamlarinin feminist okumalarini ve toplumsal cinsiyet baglaminda gostergebilimsel analizlerini yapmaktir. calismada amacli ornekleme yontemi ile secilen Nike “Bizi Boyle Bilin” reklam filmi H&M “2016 Sonbahar Tanitim” reklam filmi Orkid “Like a Girl” “Kiz Gibi Yap” reklam filmleri i ve Dove “Real Beauty” Kampanyasi reklam afisleri incelenmistir. Arastirmada gostergebilimsel cozumleme yontemi kullanilarak feminist okumalar yapilmistir. Gostergebilimsel cozumlemede incelenen reklam filmlerinin genel betimlemesi anlati yapisi incelenmis ardindan ‘‘gosterge-gosteren-gosterilen’’ tablosuyla analiz edilmistir.
Nowadays, advertisements reproduce cultural and ideological meanings as well as advertise products and services. In advertisements, dominant ideologies are reproduced through representations. Gender is the pattern of behavior that includes social and cultural norms. Gender was attributed to man and women by society. Gender norms help to understand the role of women in social life. Advertisements have a very important place in the presentation of gender roles. Advertisements tend to look at women in terms of gender roles. Feminist theory is a theory which was developed about a person whose gender is a woman. Feminist theory argues that women can reach the position they deserve in the society by struggle. The growing support for the feminist movement and the popular discourse of the feminist movement have led brands to work on gender equality. The aim of this study to make feminist readings and analyze brands in the gender context which support the feminist movement and which want to create new brand identity. In this study, Nike "Bizi Böyle Bilin" commercial film, H&M "2016 Sonbahar Tanıtım" commercial film, Orkid "Like a Girl", "Kız Gibi Yap" commercial films and Dove "Real Beauty" campaign posters were examined. In the research, semiotic analysis and feminist readings were made. In the semiotic analysis, general description of commercial films, narrative structure of commercial films and "sign-signifier-signified" tables of commercial films were analyzed. Key words: Gender, gender norms, feminist theory, feminist movement



Toplumsal cinsiyet, Toplumsal cinsiyet normları, Feminist kuram, Feminist hareket, Gender, Gender norms, Feminist theory, Feminist movement

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