Kripto Varlıkların Türk Özel Hukukundaki Yeri ile Aile ve Miras Hukukuna Etkisi
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Gelişen ve değişen dünyada temel değerlerden biri haline gelmeye başlayan ve başarılı da olan kripto varlıkların uygulamada belirsiz bir konumda kaldığı bilinmektedir. Bu belirsizliklerin neler olduğunun tespiti ve çözüm için hangi olasılıkların değerlendirilebileceği önemlidir. Çalışmamızda da; bu belirsizliklere değinilmeye ve hukuki süreçlerde nasıl sonuçlanabileceği izah edilmeye çalışılmıştır. Ülkemizde kripto varlıklarla ilgili ilk düzenleme olan ÖKVKDY çıkarılmış olsa da; ilgili Yönetmelikte kripto varlıkların hukuki niteliğinin açıklanmamıştır. Bu durum da, hukuki uyuşmazlıklarda kripto varlıkların ne şekilde nitelendirileceği belirsizliğini ortaya çıkarmaktadır. Çalışmamızda kripto varlıkların özellikleri incelenerek eşya vasfına haiz oldukları kabul edilmiştir. Buna istinaden de; gerek Aile Hukukunda gerekse de Miras Hukukunda yaşanan uyuşmazlıklarda kripto varlıklar eşya olarak değerlendirilmiştir. Aile Hukuku kapsamında nişanlanmanın, evlenmenin ve boşanmanın sonuçlarına ilişkin olarak hediyelerin geri verilmesi, altınların geri verilmesi gibi durumlarda kripto varlıkların da geri verilmesi gerektiği; manevi tazminat halinde ise ödeme yasağı gerekçesi ile kripto varlıklarla bir ödeme yapılamayacağı kabul edilmiştir. Miras Hukuku kapsamında ise; vasiyetname ve miras sözleşmelerine de değinilerek, ölüm sonrası mirasçılara kripto varlıkların geçeceği kabul edilmiştir.
It is known that crypto assets, which have started to become one of the basic values in the developing and changing world and are successful, remain in an uncertain position in practice. It is important to determine what these uncertainties are and what possibilities can be evaluated for a solution. In our study; It has been tried to address these uncertainties and to explain how they can result in legal processes. Although ÖKVKDY, which is the first regulation regarding crypto assets in our country, has been issued; The legal nature of crypto assets is not disclosed in the relevant Regulation. This situation reveals the uncertainty of how crypto assets will be qualified in legal disputes. In our study, the characteristics of crypto assets were examined and it was accepted that they had the quality of goods. Based on this; Crypto assets were considered as goods in disputes in both Family Law and Inheritance Law. Within the scope of Family Law, crypto assets should also be returned in cases such as the return of gifts, the return of gold, related to the consequences of engagement, marriage and divorce; In the case of non-pecuniary damage, it has been accepted that no payment can be made with crypto assets on the grounds of payment prohibition. Within the scope of Inheritance Law; It has been accepted that crypto assets will pass to heirs after death by referring to will and inheritance contracts.
It is known that crypto assets, which have started to become one of the basic values in the developing and changing world and are successful, remain in an uncertain position in practice. It is important to determine what these uncertainties are and what possibilities can be evaluated for a solution. In our study; It has been tried to address these uncertainties and to explain how they can result in legal processes. Although ÖKVKDY, which is the first regulation regarding crypto assets in our country, has been issued; The legal nature of crypto assets is not disclosed in the relevant Regulation. This situation reveals the uncertainty of how crypto assets will be qualified in legal disputes. In our study, the characteristics of crypto assets were examined and it was accepted that they had the quality of goods. Based on this; Crypto assets were considered as goods in disputes in both Family Law and Inheritance Law. Within the scope of Family Law, crypto assets should also be returned in cases such as the return of gifts, the return of gold, related to the consequences of engagement, marriage and divorce; In the case of non-pecuniary damage, it has been accepted that no payment can be made with crypto assets on the grounds of payment prohibition. Within the scope of Inheritance Law; It has been accepted that crypto assets will pass to heirs after death by referring to will and inheritance contracts.
Hukuk, Law
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