Türkiye'de İşsizlik Sorununun Çözümlenmesinde Uygulanan Ekonomi Politikalarının Analizi

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İşsizlik sorunu Türkiye'de de giderek büyüyen bir problem haline gelmiştir. Bu nedenle Türkiye'nin uyguladığı genel ekonomi politikaları içerisinde, istihdam veişsizlik sorununun çözümlenmesinde daha dikkatli ve etraflıca politikaların üretilmesive uygulanması gerekliliği ortaya çıkmıştır. Ekonomikbüyüme rakamlarındaki iyileşmelerin, işsizlik oranlarına olumlu yansıması görülmemiştir. Bu olumsuzluklardan yola çıkarak, Türkiye'deki işgücü piyasasının ve işsizliğin özellikleri çeşitli göstergeleryardımıyla belirlenmeye çalışılmıştır. Daha sonra işsizlik sorununun çözümlenmesinde Cumhuriyet'in kuruluş yıllarından bugüne kadar uygulanan ekonomi politikalarının analizi yapılmıştır.
Unemployment problem has become a growing problem in Turkey. Therefore, the general economic policies in Tukey's application it had emerged the necessity the employment and unemployment problem more carefully and thoroughly analyze the production and implementation of policies.The improvement in economic growth figures has not been a positice reflection to the unemployment rate. Based on these disadvantages in Turkey, the properties of the labor market and unemployment are determined with the help of various indicators. Then, from founding of the republic so far applied of the economic policies have been analyzed in the analysis of the unemployment problem.In study, both the frame of the general economic policies in Turkey and current employment policies emerging trends economic thoughts of the world in terms of application time are seen the parallels though a difference.The main failure of the labor market is the rapid population growth in Turkey. However, the low level of employment rate, the participation labor force rate and already education in the workforce, mainly in employment structure the protection of the agricultural sector, under employment, hidden unemployment, child labor and informal employment can be shown as other important issues. In addition, the extreme imbalance between the men and women labor force and employment and the developing differences among regions represent the main disadvantages of labor market in Turkey.While the negative aspects of the labor markets in Turkey, which experienced the process of transformation in the economy has contributed to the growth of the unemployment problem. In the past Turkey which was agricultural land and employed the most of the workforce in this sector has focused on the services sector without industrilization and a negative effect on labour market integration by giving the weight of employment to this sector. In the agricultural sector which experienced negatives are growth the reasons to the effect.In our study, the analysis of the problem of unemployment in Turkey, has been determined using macro and micro economic policies but these policies are not sufficent to reach the solution according to the obtained information and statics.In this sense, it has been concluded the necessity of restrengthening the implementation of these implemented policies by the authorities.



İstihdam, İşsizlik, İstihdam Politikaları, Ekonomi Politikaları, Employment, Unemployment, Employment Policies, Economy Policies

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