I Hear You: Soundwalking İn Tarlabaşı
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Bu tez ses calismalari kapsaminda sehirlesmis alanlari odagina alir soundwalking yontemiyle ve sehrin kendi seslerini dinlemek marifetiyle Tarlabasi ornegi uzerinden sehirleri anlamlandirmanin yontemlerini kesfetmeye calisir. Ýlk bolum literatur taramasi ve bu alandaki boslugun tanimlanmasindan olusur. Ýkinci bolum soundwalking metodunu ve farkli kullanimlarini inceler. ucuncu bolumse metodun Tarlabasi’nda uygulamasinin sonuclarini sunar. Sonuc bolumundeyse metod ve sonuclar degerlendirilerek ilerideki ses calismalari uzerine yorumlar yer alir.
This thesis focuses on urban areas in the realm of sound studies, and explores ways of knowing the city, Tarlabaşı in particular, through its sounds using the soundwalking methodology. First chapter consists of the reviews of the sound studies literature and shows the literature gap. The second chapter focuses on the soundwalking methodology and its various uses. The third chapter presents the results from application of soundwalking into Tarlabaşı neighborhood. In conclusion, I evaluate the results of the soundwalks and comment on the sound studies for further research intentions.
This thesis focuses on urban areas in the realm of sound studies, and explores ways of knowing the city, Tarlabaşı in particular, through its sounds using the soundwalking methodology. First chapter consists of the reviews of the sound studies literature and shows the literature gap. The second chapter focuses on the soundwalking methodology and its various uses. The third chapter presents the results from application of soundwalking into Tarlabaşı neighborhood. In conclusion, I evaluate the results of the soundwalks and comment on the sound studies for further research intentions.
Sound studies, Soundwalking, Urban areas, Tarlabaşı