Uluslararası Ticaret ve Lojistik Bölümü Koleksiyonu

Permanent URI for this collectionhttps://gcris.khas.edu.tr/handle/20.500.12469/76


Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 18 of 18
  • Book Part
    Learner Engagement in an Intercultural Virtual Experience
    (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd, 2013) Yüksel, Müberra
    Lately, multimedia information and communication technologies are acting as catalyzing media that open up increasing opportunities for all with access to such technologies. Digital technology also offers potential to increase access to interactive as well as intercultural experience that develops cross-cultural competencies, while learning content may be further enhanced through collaborative learning in various areas. Kadir Has University in Istanbul undertook a challenging project with the initiative of the College of Staten Island (CSI) - CUNY (City University of New York) and became the international partner of a distant learning course through video conference between 2004 and 2009. The conceptual model behind this project is called the Global Experience Through Technology Project (GETT) initiated by CSI with the goal of using internet technology to bring university students of different cultures together in a virtual classroom.
  • Article
    An Integrated Ahp-Topsis Approach for Terminal Selection Problems in the Logistics Management Perspectives of Marine Container Ports: a Case Study for Turkey’s Container Ports and Terminals
    (2018) Görçün, Ömer Faruk; Görçün, Ömer Faruk
    This study focuses on the strategic importance of container port selection with regard to container operator companies, logistics firms and other actors of a supply chain. The main focalpoint of this paper deals with two important questions: how a container port and terminal is selected by logistics and marine container operators and what is the most important factors for decision makers. When an answer is seeking to these questions, initially it should be necessary to determine the selection criteria and decision alternatives in detail. In order to select proper and optimal container port and terminal, the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) theory and Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution(TOPSIS)method were selected and these methodologies were integrated to solve decision-making problem that related to container port selection. This study consists of five stages. In the first stage, a literature review was made. AHP and TOPSIS methods were defined and their steps of these methodologies were shown in the second stage of this study. In the third stage, numerical analysis was realized by using an integrated AHP-TOPSIS methods as a hybrid method. In the fourth stage, the obtained results were evaluated and depth analysis was made by the member of the board of experts. In the final stage, this study was summarized and final results were shown and the contribution of this hybrid method to the literature concerning with the container port selection process was evaluated. In this study, the board of experts that consisted of seven members was constructed and they are professionals who play an important role in the decision making processes in their companies. Therefore, while the members of the board of experts were selected by the researcher, to be the senior executive or company owner in the field of the maritime transportation sector was determined as the main rule. All selection criteria, decision alternatives and the main goal of this study were determined in the roundtable meetings that realized with together the board of experts. Pairwise comparison questions were prepared by the researcher and were directed to the selected thirty decision makers who work in the field of maritime as the senior executive.
  • Conference Object
    Recent Trends in Strategic Human Resource Management Education From the Perspective of Applied Positive Psychology
    (Iated-Int Assoc Technology Education & Development, 2019) Yüksel, Müberra
    Lately applied positive psychology aims at generating quasi-experimental design tools such as simulations or games to generate policy recommendations for real life issues to promote well-being in different contexts such as schools and workplaces. In this paper, we will focus on a specific learning program based on a simulation game called FLIGBY (which is an acronym for "flow is good business for you") based on Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi's state of flow model.
  • Article
    Küreselleşme Sürecinde Yeni Bir İletişim Ortamı
    (Marmara Üniversitesi, Sos. Bil. Enst., 2007) Yüksel, Müberra
    Yeni iletişim ortamında reklam oyunları internet pazarlaması ile çevrimiçi oyunları birleştiren, stratejik konumlandırmaya dayalı yeni bir iletişim türüdür. Bu yeni tür ve mecrada amaç, ürünlerin pazar payını arttırmaktan ziyade, oyunlar vasıtasıyla, işletme, ürün ya da hizmet markalarının müşterilerin zihninde iz bırakmasıdır. Bu çalışmada, ilk önce, etkili bir reklam oyununun ana özelliklerini erişilebilirlik, zorluk derecesi, firma, marka ya da ürün ile ilinti, rekabet düzeyi, akışı sürdürebilme kapasitesi, web günlüğü olarak belirledik. Son üç özelliği, fizik kuramlarından esinlenen oyuna ilişkin kuramlar ışığında değerlendirdikten sonra, örneklemimizdeki çevrimiçinde aktif olan reklam oyunlarını bu temel ölçütlere göre inceledik ve reklam oyunlarının iliştirilmişliğini sorguladık. Bulgularımız diğer pazarlama iletişim araçları gibi reklam oyununun da özelliklerinin reklamı yapılan markanın kişiliği, hedef kitlenin profili, Internet ortamının özellikleri ve iletişim kampanyasının stratejik amaçlarına cevap vermek zorunda olduğu ve reklam oyunlarının yeni medyada yeni bir pazarlama iletişimi türü olduğudur.
  • Article
    Turkey's Objectıve Of Full Membershıp In The Eu Wıth Reference To Maastrıcht Crıterıa
    (Atatürk Üniversitesi İİBF, 2014) Aka, Halil Burç; Gürsoy, Bilge; Gürsoy, Bilge; Gürsoy, Bilge
    The study aims to analyze whether Turkey has internalized its goal of full membership in the European Union by taking into account Turkey’s compliance with the Maastricht criteria. The study uses a cointegration approach and finds that a long-term relationship exists between the ratios of inflation rates, interest rates and budget deficit ratios with Gross Domestic Product. However, no long-term relationship was found regarding the ratio of public debt to Gross Domestic Product. The study suggests that Turkey has internalized its objective of full European Union membership from an economic perspective and that it has not deviated from this objective.
  • Article
    Lojistik Maliyetler Çerçevesinde Karadeniz Limanlarının Multimodal Taşımacılığa Uygunluklarının Analizi
    (Kenan ÇELİK, 2018) Görçün, Ömer Faruk; Görçün, Ömer Faruk; Görçün, Özhan
    Taşımacılık sektörünün önemi hem Dünya’da hem de Türkiye’de her geçen gün artmaktadır. Küreselleşmenin etkisiyle müşterilerin ürünleri daha hızlı ve eksiksiz bir biçimde talep etmelerine paralel olarak, işletmelerin ve tedarik zincirlerinin de rekabet edebilmek için sahip oldukları lojistik hızları ve operasyonel mükemmeliyeti artırmaları zorunlu hale gelmiştir. Daha da önemlisi, tedarik zincirleri yetersiz kalan uygulamalarını güncellemek ve her zaman rekabette kalmalarına olanak sağlayacak yeni yollar ve yöntemler bulmak zorunda kalmaktadırlar. Bu kapsamda, intermodal taşımacılık yeni bir lojistik uygulama olarak giderek önem kazanmaya başlamıştır. Bunun yanı sıra taşıma türleri ve altyapılar arasında entegrasyon intermodal taşımacılığın etkinliği ve verimliliği açısından son derece önemlidir. Bu çalışmada Karadeniz limanlarının intermodal taşıma sistemine entegrasyonu ve denizyolu taşımacılığı ile diğer taşıma türleri arasında bir koordinasyonun sağlanıp sağlanamayacağı ekonomik faktörler de göz önüne alınarak değerlendirmeye çalışılmıştır. Çalışmada Karadeniz limanları üzerinden gerçekleştirilecek intermodal bağlantılar sayesinde oluşturulacak çok modlu taşıma sistemleri “multimodal” ile tek modlu taşıma sistemlerinin etkinlikleri ve verimlilikleri lojistik maliyetler açısından değerlendirilmiş, bu kapsamda Karadeniz limanlarının intermodal ve kombine taşımacılık sistemlerine uyguluğu gözden geçirilmiştir.
  • Article
    Ağır Treylerlerin Seçiminin Ahp Yöntemi ile Değerlendirilmesi
    (Düzce Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2019) Görçün, Ömer Faruk; Görçün, Ömer Faruk
    Ağır ve havaleli yüklerin taşınması süreçlerini de kapsayan proje lojistiği son derece hassas operasyonlardan oluşan lojistik bir faaliyettir. Treyler seçimine ilişkin kriterlerin ve karar noktalarının çok sayıda olması treyler seçimini son derece zorlaştırmaktadır. Seçime ilişkin süreçler etki eden faktörlerin ve değişkenlerin çok sayıda olması treyler seçimine ilişkin süreçlerde çok kriterli karar alma metodolojilerinin uygulanmasını iyi bir seçenek haline getirebilmektedir. Bu çalışmada çok kriterli karar alma yöntemlerinden birisi olan Analitik Hiyerarşi Prosesi kullanılmıştır. Bu çalışma, proje lojistiği ve ağır taşımacılık faaliyetlerinde kullanılacak treylerlerin seçimi ile ilgili olarak karar vericilerin hangi kriterlere daha fazla önem verdiklerinin yanı sıra, karar alternatifleri arasından yapacakları tercihlerin daha uygun ve rasyonel bir tercih olabileceğini sayısal bir perspektife tanımlamaya çalışmaktadır
  • Article
    (ERZURUM KÜLTÜR VE EĞİTİM VAKFI, 2019) İyigün, İsmail; Görçün, Ömer Faruk; Görçün, Ömer Faruk
    Geçmişte olmadığı kadar tüketicilerin daha özelleştirilmiş ve kişiselleştirilmiş talepte bulunuyor olmaları lojistik uygulamaların her müşterinin gereksinimlerini en üst düzeyde karşılayabilecek, buna karşılık minimum maliyet ile bu gereksinimlere cevap verebilecek durumda olmasını gerektirmektedir. Bu nedenle, lojistik faaliyetlerin gereksinim duyduğu en iyileştirme uygulamaları; mümkün olan en kısa zamanda çözümler yaratabilecek ve bu çözümleri her süreçte daha da iyileştirebilecek sistemlere ihtiyaç duymaktadır. Bu kapsamda problemlerin etkin bir biçimde çözümü ile bu sistemlerin etkinliği, hızı ve verimliliği arasında bir korelasyon olduğu görülebilmektedir. Yakın bir gelecekte bu teknolojilerin ve sistemlerin alanlarını daha da genişleterek otonom olarak bu operasyonları gerçekleştirebilir hale gelebileceklerine yönelik güçlü deliller mevcuttur. Bu çalışma lojistik ve tedarik zinciri alanında söz konusu olan gelişmelere ve yaklaşımlara odaklanmakta, yakın bir gelecekte lojistik faaliyetlerin oynayabileceği yeni rolleri göz önüne sermeyi hedeflemektedir. Çalışmada gözlem ve analiz yöntemleri kullanılmış, farklı ölçeklerde lojistik faaliyet yürüten işletmelerin yanı sıra, lojistik hizmet talebinde bulunan endüstrilerin bu alanda gerçekleştirdikleri ilerlemeler ve gelişmeler dikkate alınmıştır.
  • Conference Object
    Simulation and Planning Project Logistics Operations: a Case Study of Transportation Operation of Autoclave From Petkim Port To Gördes Building Siteömer Faruk Görçün
    (Association for Computing Machinery, 2018) Görçün, Ömer Faruk; Görçün, Ömer Faruk
    Project logistics is one of the specific logistics operations. Compared to other logistics operations it needs more efficient planning and engineering applications in each operational process. On the other hand each project logistics operation can be defined as tailor-made operations since it has no similarity with other operations. Consequently each project logistics operation should be planned and carried out according to its own conditions and parameters. This study focuses on the simulation of project logistics operations under the light of computerized applications from start to finish of the logistics operation. In this study transportation operations of 600 tons of autoclave from the Petkim port to the Gördes building site were selected as a case study. © 2018 Association for Computing Machinery.
  • Book Part
    Framing Online Games Positively: Entertainment and Engagement Through 'mindful Loss' of Flow
    (Palgrave Macmillan Ltd., 2013) Yüksel, Müberra
    [Abstract Not Available]
  • Conference Object
    Driving (organizational) Brand Reputation From Inside-Out: Strategic Human Resource Management in an Emergent Economy
    (EUROMED PRESS, 2013) Yüksel, Müberra
    [Abstract Not Available]
  • Conference Object
    Framing Team Leadership From a Strategic Human Resource Management Perspective
    (EUROMED PRESS, 2013) Yüksel, Müberra
    [Abstract Not Available]
  • Conference Object
    Opportunities for Improvements of the Intermodal Transportation Chain a Case Study of Intermodal Freight Operation Between Turkey and Serbia
    (Scientific Research Center Ltd Belgrade, 2014) Görçün, Ömer Faruk; Görçün, Ömer Faruk
    In order to reduce the external costs of transportation parties of logistics and transportation such as international organizations governments local authorities transporters and users have been promoting the solutions which will be created more efficient results. Within this framework opportunities related to rail transportation and reducing the rate of use of road freight transportation are very important factors in a green environment. This paper focus on the economic and environmental impacts of intermodal freight operations rail transportation and intermodal freight terminals. On the other hand results which will be obtained by using the intermodal freight terminals and rail transportation have been evaluated comparatively. In this context several scenarios have been determined and they have been analyzed. In recent years some concepts such as effectiveness logistics costs and quick response had become more important with the globalization. These concepts were a result of competition which have developed quickly. At the same time not only competition occurs between companies but also it was seen between global actors. Although these concepts have remained their importance different subjects have begun to gain an importance such as environment human health and external costs of transportation. In order to reduce the environmental effects of the transportation considering planning the differential and beneficial approaches has become imperative. One of the best ways is intermodality for solving the transportation problems. In this study transportation alternatives and their effects were analyzed and new transportation alternatives between Turkey and Serbia have been recommended. Intermodal freight terminals which will be established in both of Istanbul and Belgrade city can be creating an effective solution for reducing the economic and external costs. On the other hand it can provide sustainable and effective transportation system between two countries.
  • Conference Object
    Talent Management Through Employer Branding
    (EUROMED PRESS, 2015) Yüksel, Müberra
    [Abstract Not Available]
  • Conference Object
    Formal Safety Assessment for Ship Traffic in the Istanbul Straits
    (Elsevier Science Bv, 2015) Görçün, Ömer Faruk; Görçün, Ömer Faruk; Burak, Selmin Z.
    Formal Safety Assessment is a very important tool for the establishment of safety systems according to marine safety. FSA methodology has been recommended to all the maritime actors by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) as an integrated safety system. In Formal Safety Assessment two main risk methodologies are applied which are quantitative and qualitative risk assessments. Both of these methods are used together in practice. The FSA approach is applied in five main stages. In this study risks related to marine traffic in the Istanbul Strait in the period of 2001-2010 are analyzed. In practice different factors are selected for risk analyses such as vessel specifications accident locations accident time accident types and causes. (C) 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
  • Conference Object
    Analysis of the Effects of Intermodal Terminals for the Solutions of Urban Logistics Problems in Istanbul City
    (Springer International Publishing Ag, 2016) Görçün, Ömer Faruk; Görçün, Ömer Faruk
    We analyzed the urban logistics problems in Istanbul City and we tried to show the solutions of these problems thanks to intermodal freight terminals. Istanbul is a center of trade tourism and industry
  • Article
    A Pseudo-Pareto Distribution and Concomitants of Its Order Statistics
    (Springer, 2016) Gebizlioğlu, Ömer Lütfi; Gebizlioğlu, Ömer Lütfi; Yorubulut, Serap
    Pareto distributions are very flexible probability models with various forms and kinds. In this paper a new bivariate Pseudo-Pareto distribution and its properties are presented and discussed. Main variables order statistics and concomitants of this distribution are studied and their importance for risk and reliability analysis is explained. Joint and marginal distributions complementing cumulative distributions and hazard functions of the variables are derived. Numerical illustrations graphical displays and interpretations for the obtained distributions and derived functions are provided. An implementation example on defaultable bonds is performed.
  • Conference Object
    Reduction of Energy Costs and Traffic Flow Rate in Urban Logistics Process
    (Elsevier Science, 2017) Görçün, Ömer Faruk; Görçün, Ömer Faruk
    Energy cost is a phenomenon relating to logistics and transportation activities of logistics operators as well as governments local authorities and citizens. Actually all the logistics parties may be affected by energy costs. At the same time logistics and transportation flow rate is declining continuously. Increases in traffic volume and decreased logistics flow rate cause to decrease in logistics productivity and efficiency in a city. On the other hand changes in these factors cause to increase energy cost. Minimum energy consumption plays an important role for efficient and productive urban logistics operations. Increasing traffic volume and congestion may absorb the energy of cities in addition to that it causes to increase energy requirements of urban areas. According to scientific research a significant correlation can be seen between traffic volume congestion energy cost and using the urban economic resources. This study focus on relations between these factors and it tried to show that ways for reduction of energy cost on optimum traffic volume and traffic flow rate. In addition to that the findings of this study depend on fieldwork related to Istanbul city. (C) 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.