Lojistik Maliyetler Çerçevesinde Karadeniz Limanlarının Multimodal Taşımacılığa Uygunluklarının Analizi
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Taşımacılık sektörünün önemi hem Dünya’da hem de Türkiye’de her geçen gün artmaktadır. Küreselleşmenin
etkisiyle müşterilerin ürünleri daha hızlı ve eksiksiz bir biçimde talep etmelerine paralel olarak, işletmelerin ve
tedarik zincirlerinin de rekabet edebilmek için sahip oldukları lojistik hızları ve operasyonel mükemmeliyeti
artırmaları zorunlu hale gelmiştir. Daha da önemlisi, tedarik zincirleri yetersiz kalan uygulamalarını
güncellemek ve her zaman rekabette kalmalarına olanak sağlayacak yeni yollar ve yöntemler bulmak zorunda
kalmaktadırlar. Bu kapsamda, intermodal taşımacılık yeni bir lojistik uygulama olarak giderek önem
kazanmaya başlamıştır. Bunun yanı sıra taşıma türleri ve altyapılar arasında entegrasyon intermodal
taşımacılığın etkinliği ve verimliliği açısından son derece önemlidir. Bu çalışmada Karadeniz limanlarının
intermodal taşıma sistemine entegrasyonu ve denizyolu taşımacılığı ile diğer taşıma türleri arasında bir
koordinasyonun sağlanıp sağlanamayacağı ekonomik faktörler de göz önüne alınarak değerlendirmeye
çalışılmıştır. Çalışmada Karadeniz limanları üzerinden gerçekleştirilecek intermodal bağlantılar sayesinde
oluşturulacak çok modlu taşıma sistemleri “multimodal” ile tek modlu taşıma sistemlerinin etkinlikleri ve
verimlilikleri lojistik maliyetler açısından değerlendirilmiş, bu kapsamda Karadeniz limanlarının intermodal ve
kombine taşımacılık sistemlerine uyguluğu gözden geçirilmiştir.
Importance of the transportation sector is gradually increasing not only in Turkey but also around the world. With the impact of the globalization, supply chains and companies have to increase their logistics flow speed and operational perfection level because the customers have started to want the products as more quickly and reliably. More importantly, finding the new ways and options have become obligatory in order to make updating all applies that are stayed insufficient for the supply chains. In this frame, intermodality has gradually started to gain importance. In addition to that, integration between transportation modes and their infrastructures is extremely important from the point of the effectivity and productivity of the intermodal transportation. In this study, it was evaluated that whether the coordination between maritime transportation and other transport modes are available or not. Also, integration potential of Black Sea ports to the intermodal transportation system was evaluated in the perspective of the economic factors that were considered. Effectivity and productivity of the multi-modal transport systems that formed thanks to connections among the ports of the Black Sea were compared to unimodal transport systems in terms of logistics costs. Consequently, suitability of these ports for intermodal transportation was overviewed.
Importance of the transportation sector is gradually increasing not only in Turkey but also around the world. With the impact of the globalization, supply chains and companies have to increase their logistics flow speed and operational perfection level because the customers have started to want the products as more quickly and reliably. More importantly, finding the new ways and options have become obligatory in order to make updating all applies that are stayed insufficient for the supply chains. In this frame, intermodality has gradually started to gain importance. In addition to that, integration between transportation modes and their infrastructures is extremely important from the point of the effectivity and productivity of the intermodal transportation. In this study, it was evaluated that whether the coordination between maritime transportation and other transport modes are available or not. Also, integration potential of Black Sea ports to the intermodal transportation system was evaluated in the perspective of the economic factors that were considered. Effectivity and productivity of the multi-modal transport systems that formed thanks to connections among the ports of the Black Sea were compared to unimodal transport systems in terms of logistics costs. Consequently, suitability of these ports for intermodal transportation was overviewed.
Karadeniz Limanları, Multimodal Taşımacılık, İntermodal Taşımacılık, Lojistik Maliyetler, The Black Sea Ports, Multimodal Transportation,, Intermodal Transportation, Logistics Costs
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